Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prayer Works in Any Language

We are about to depart from Raipur - it is 10:00AM.  But yesterday was a great day.  We continue to be impressed and humbled by the hospitality of our Christian brothers.  Romans 12:13 and 1 Peter 4:9 talk about that, but we have seen it first hand.

I (Marty) had the opportunity to preach last night to the church we visited.  It was an awesome experience, and I'm so grateful to God for my brother Sanjeev, who is an amazing translator (and host and leader and guide and friend).  We know the message (not me, but the gospel) communicated because of the emotional response of several.

As per usual, our team lined up at the end of the service to be greeted by everyone in the church (like a massive receiving line).  One young man spoke to Dennis and me in broken English, "Please, sir, would you keep me in your prayers?"  I asked his name, and was half-tempted to just write it down and pray for him later.  But like back home, I figured there's no better time to pray than right now with him.  Dennis and I held his shoulder and prayed for him - we didn't know his needs, but God does.  After we said "amen" we looked up, and there was a crowd of people eager to be prayed for.  The spirit opened a floodgate, because everyone came for prayer.

We prayed for individuals, we encircled whole groups and families.  Everyone on the team was able to pray for and with people for half an hour AFTER the service.  One little boy, maybe 8 years old - who was carrying his baby brother on his hip who was about 2 years old- came up to me and spoke in broken English, "Will you pray?"  I did.

I prayed for everyone in the room to know Jesus as Lord - and indeed many of them do.  But I prayed they would know they can speak to Jesus directly, without special intervention.  Our brothers and sisters were so grateful.

This church building, by the way, was just a concrete-walled sanctuary with a corrugated tin roof.  It had been raining, so there were a few leaks.  When we left, there were some little children squatting on the ground around the corner from the entrance (that's the church restroom).

But none of the rustic conditions could hinder the very real, living, and active presence of the Holy Spirit.

I didn't get many pictures yesterday, so please link to the Christ's Church blog http://www.christschurchgreenville.com/travel-praises/ from yesterday to see some.  Thank you for your prayers - Kevin and I are both feeling better stomach-wise.  A few others need your prayer as well - but generally our team is doing great!

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